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Convert Currency

Accurate rates in a user-friendly app. Ad-free and in real-time. Everytime.

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Currency tiles

Hourly Updates

Supporting 70+ currencies and units

The GUAP widget as seen on the home screen

watchOS & Widget Support

Live exchange rates at a glance

The customizable UI

Make It Yours

Customizable native interface

Choose your plan

Unlock Guap today with a subscription. Choose a weekly plan or opt for monthly with a 3-day free trial. Enjoy real-time hourly data, watchOS integration, and widget support — all included.

Why subscriptions?

We know subscriptions can be a pain but providing features like real-time hourly data, watchOS integration, and widgets requires a reliable backend. Your support through a subscription enables us to maintain the premium backend services that keep Guap efficient and reliable.



Most popular choice



w/ 3-day free trial